A cybersecurity strategy that does not account for the human factor is incomplete. In 85% of cybersecurity breaches, a human element was involved, showing the importance of people and behaviour in ensuring a robust cybersecurity strategy. Our behavioural psychologists have developed solutions to help your employees become the first line of your cybersecurity defence.
Cybersecurity is inherently a human subject. Technology and processes require human interface and deployment. It is no wonder then, that the majority of cybersecurity breaches involve some human element.
In today’s world, employees are more connected than ever and the cyber attack surface has widened. It has never been more important for your employees to be on guard against cyber attacks. They need to be aware of cybersecurity risks, but motivated and empowered to defend against them directly.
At Bureau Veritas, we focus not only on providing employees the knowledge they need, but critically what will help them adjust risky behaviour and take proactive action. We do this through our S.A.F.E human behavior program which addresses the 3 requisites for behavioral change – Knowledge, Motivation and Opportunity.
First, through a baseline assessment, we can help you understand how your employees act today and why.
Next, we plug holes in security awareness and knowledge through an extensive portfolio of e-learning or in-person training. We also give your employees the chance to implement their learnings through simulated phishing and social engineering exercises.
We can complement these actions with exercises like our Tabletop Crisis Simulations, Hacker Mindset workshops and others.
For more details on Human Behaviour services, please refer to SECURA PEOPLE SERVICES PAGE